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About Us

About Printflow Private Limited

Printflow Private Limited (previously Government Printing and Stationery) was founded in 1947 as a printing and publishing arm of the Government mainly concerned with printing of Parliamentary statutes and publications. Over the years it has continued to grow and is now the largest printing house in the country producing maps, catalogues, financial documents and many of the commercial and Government publications. We are known for our traditional printing capabilities and innovative use of technologies to manage and deliver information in a wide range of print and digital formats. Our technology has played a huge role in our successes and in our fierce commitment to servicing our customers and developing the integrated solutions that meet their needs.

Printflow is a professionally managed company in an industry characterised by chaotic deadlines. Our Warehouses are capable of carrying stocks of about 2 300 tonnes of branded paper imported from leading paper suppliers and obtained from renowned paper suppliers within the country. We have led the printing industry by our standards because we have been able to respond to changes in technology despite the current harsh economic trends prevailing in the country. We will continue to lead, as we carry that commitment to better serve our clients well in this new millennium.

An organisations’s strength in today’s competitive world is its ability to meet customer needs and exceed their expectations quickly and efficiently. Printflow has the expertise to address customer needs, timely production and unparalleled service. We deliver integrated high value solutions that help our customers market more efficiently and effectively to their customers. Our in-house design section takes care of all the designing and graphic requirements. Our Marketing section takes care of all the queries, requirements and printing needs. Through decades we have proved again and again that we are capable of delivering high level quality work through a combination of our equipment and knowledgeable staff who take pride in their work.


Positioning Statement
Supplier of choice for all stationery, printed material, Government Publications, Security work, photocopiers, typewriters, personal computers, rubber stamps, government and corporate ID’s and workstations back-up services, printers and binders of all types of stationery.



To provide innovative and cost-effective printing, packaging, ICT solutions, and statutory publications that enable businesses to thrive and communities to connect, through excellence and customer-centricity.

“To be the premier provider of innovative printing, packaging and ICT solutions, driving economic growth and digital transformation while fostering sustainable development and community empowerment by 2030.

  • SustainabilityTo conduct our business in an economically, socially and environmentally friendly manner by promoting green procurement and production processes.
  • Integrity – To conduct business fairly, honestly and ethically as well as fostering trust with customers and employees
  • TransparencyTo provide full disclosure of information to the shareholder and stakeholders required for collaboration and collective decision making.
  • TeamworkTo work as a unified unit with openness and clarity in communication, decision making and actions to achieve organizational goals.
Our leadership

Board of Directors

Mr. J. Dube

Board Chairman

Mrs. R. Nyahwa

Vice Board Chairperson

Mrs. A. Kawiri

Board Member

Mrs. R. Munakamwe

Board Member

Mr. M. Mvere

Board Member

Mr. F. Panganayi

Board Member

Mr. K. Zata

Board Member

Printflow Executive Directors

Mr C. Prickisie

Acting Chief Executive Officer

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Mr R. Manyonga

Acting Finance and Administration Director

Acting Finance and Administration Director